The Arizona Republic ran a long feature story on Governor Symington, with an in-depth look at the development of his culinary school and his adjustment to life after politics.
But he thinks he could win again. Symington believes his record is strong, and shakes off the idea that his past could be a burden. He assumes most voters would remember that he was pardoned, that his legal slate has been wiped clean, but also knows a political opponent would likely use it against him.
It’s a nice thought, but there’s so much he’d have to risk, so much he’d have to give up. He found happiness in irrelevance. He cooks impossible dishes and tears through history books and pesters his friends with political gossip. Symington splits time between Santa Barbara — in what he calls “the Socialist Republic of California,” where his wife, Ann, lives — and Phoenix, where he’ll never leave. His kids are their own successes. Really, he’s fine with all of it.
Read the full article here.